
We're Kind of a Riot

Special Man Friend: So, how's the job hunt going?

Me: Still nothing! I'm getting so frustrated.

SMF: Something will turn up. Are you sure you've tried every avenue that uses your talents?

Me: Yup. Retail, clerical, entry-level management....I've hit them all. I think I should hit up the government for money. I'm sure there's some sort of Welfare for Girls Who Are Too Cute to Have to Work.

SMF: Well you are pretty cute, but I don't think that's gonna get you far when it comes to paying your bills.

Me: Hmmmmm.....I haven't tried THAT angle yet, what industry pays you for being cute?

SMF: I believe they call it stripping.

Me: Huh. I wonder if they list that on CareerBuilder or Monster?

PS: They don't.

1 comment:

Mrs. Chili said...


I'm sorry the job hunt isn't going well. I'm sending you good job energy...