
The One with the Tickets and the Linebacker!

Special Man Friend has TICKETS!!! Woo hoo!!!! I am so excited!

I have no idea what they're for!! All I know is that he has them!! YAY! YAY! YAY!

It goes something like this....

SMF sent me to the closet to grab his wallet so he could pay the pizza guy. I grabbed everything in his coat pocket and handed him the wallet. I put the rest of the stuff on the coffee table and promptly forgot about it. (HEY! It was Papa John's Thin Crust...you'd forget what you were doing too!)

Later as we were settling in to watch the football we had TiVo'd (might I add that MY TEAM BENT HIS TEAM OVER A CHAIR, YO!!), I reached over to start going through the stuff from his pockets and putting everything back in its proper place. Receipts go in the accordian file, church stuff gets filed into the circular file, and car keys go in the dish by the door.

Finally I reached a little envelope. It had the Ticketmaster logo on the front.

"Hey babe, what are these tickets for?"

Next thing I know, I was transported into the football game on TV! I was the quaterback and I was being sacked by a 300lb linebacker running at eleventy billion miles an hour! HOLY MASHED CASSIE, BATMAN!!

SMF came flying out of the kitchen behind me like the stove was about to blow up! He took that couch in one leap and slammed into me like a Mack truck. We both went flinging to the floor where he ripped the envelope out of my hands.

I sat up slowly and tried to force my poor little brain back into coherent thoughts. I promptly let out a string of curse words while I picked myself up out of a giant puddle of Coke.

"What the F*CK are you doing?!?"


"Don't start with me you nut job!!! What the hell was that about?!? You could have just said, Don't open that!"

"Uh huh....like that would have stopped you."

((Okay...so he had a point there.)) He disappeared into the office and I heard file cabinets open and close.

"I got us tickets."

"Obviously. I'm taking it that you want it to be a surprise??"

"Did your Spidey Senses tell you that??"

"Those, and you flying through the air like a PSYCHO person!! Can I have hints about what they're for?"

"They're for getting in the door....mystery solved."

"Thanks. But for what? Ballet? Opera? Musical Theater? Concert?"

"The WWE is coming to town."

"Fine...be that way. I'm going to go change. It seems I spilled some Coke." [insert Angry Eyes here]

"That's fine, but those tickets are going to my business office first thing Monday morning."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously? He BODY-CHECKS you, into the FLOOR, and then has the gall to tell you to mind your LANGUAGE?! Boy wouldn't last a DAY with me!

I'm all a-quiver with excitement, though! You'd better tell us when those tickets get used!!