
The One That has That Song a.k.a.The One that Makes You Gag

My Dream Guy....

Hates wearing hats
Lover of Christ
No swearing
Good looking....okay, he's gotta be freakin' HOT!
Good kisser
Holds doors
Puts his hand in the small of my back
Calls me by my pet name in private
Calls me by my pet name in front of his friends
Cooks dinner if he's the first one home
Gives me The Look when I've crossed the line
Thinks I’m sexy
Holds me like I'm going to break
Listens while I cry, laugh, jabber, gossip, think, meditate, word vomit, debate, throw a tantrum
Shares my values
Plays with my hair while we watch football
Plays along like he's upset when MY TEAM SPANKS HIS TEAM!!! BOO YEAH! (*ahem* 'scuse me)
Thinks similarly but not exactly the same
Is organized
Cares about my baby sister
Holds my hand in public
Pulls out chairs
Calls me to know I got home safely
Knows when I'm PMS-ing....but doesn't tell me he knows
Good with money
Isn't afraid to tell me NO!
Is Polite
Has baggage that goes well with mine
Respects my mother
Honors my father
Sticks to convictions
Can be counted on
Lets me know he's annoyed just by saying, "Babe." in That voice
Is outgoing
Has shoulders that make me go weak in the knees.....and drool
People person
Doesn’t mind that I fart around him
Hates shopping...but loves buying me things
Doesn't get TOO annoyed when I interrupt b/c I get so excited
Treats me like his soul mate
Lets me snuggle him all night
Has eyes that read me like a book
Likes board games
Is adored by every woman over the age of 40 that's ever met him
Can admit when he's wrong...in a timely fashion
Is a gentleman
Almost killed his best friend because he made me cry
Hates piercings...on guys
Has had life kick him in the teeth and picked himself back up
Likes girly girls
Is so familiar to me I can't imagine life without him
Contains so many mysteries, I can't wait to start a new day with him
Thinks I’m hot
Believes I can do ANYTHING better than any other woman in the room...and tells me
Teaches me things about sports
Suffers from testosterone poisoning occasionally
Loves music
Doesn't grumble about shoveling snow, bringing cars around or taking out trash...much
Makes me cry....from sheer happiness
Has integrity
Makes me laugh so hard I do the "I Gotta Pee" dance
Plays the piano
Plays the guitar
Likes it when I play with his hair
Gives foreheard kisses
Wants marriage and kids
Can't keep his hands to himself ;-)
Likes my family
Loves me BECAUSE of my past
Is willing to give me his whole heart to love and cherish
Doesn't have to be asked to remove the EWW! NASTY! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF! tomato from my salad.
Calls me Dingle
Thinks I’m too adorable for words
Reads my journaling
Has a heart for others' suffering
Hugs me in front of my parents
Treats all women like he treats his mother and sisters
Is a big nerd...and is okay with that
Teaches me the CORRECT lyrics to a song and does it in a NICE way
Laughs AT me...while he's laughing WITH me
Never misses a birthday (or Valentine’s Day or the Anniversary....of Our First Kiss)
Can't go a DAY without talking to me

**sigh** That's all I can think of right now. I'm not sure if I quite expressed it, but I know I'm the LUCKIEST girl in world. I justhope he knows how much I appreciate him. In my eyes he is the king of the world. He is my protector, my champion, my hero, my rolemodel, my best friend, my lover and the love of my life.....and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Happy anniversary Buppy, Lubby, Handsome, Baby, Grumpy Pants, Boy, Sweetheart, Special Man Friend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't have to be asked to remove the EWW! NASTY! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF! tomato from my salad."

Hee! My husband does this - and trades me HIS onions. We have a good marriage...