
The One with ANOTHER List

How A Girl (No One WE Know...Just Some Random Girl) Knows It's Time to Shave Her Legs

1. Her boyfriend mentions she hasn't worn a skirt to church in a REALLY long time.

2. She can't fall asleep at night because she's being annoyed by the sheets getting caught on her legs.

3. She can't remember which end of the razor is the sharp end. (**She sticks bleeding finger back in her mouth**)

4. She needs to wear shorts in below zero weather because her legs are sweating so much.

5. She's embarassed to get in bed....with HERSELF!

6. She needs to exfoliate for a good five minutes just to soften the skin enough to lather up shave gel.

And last but not least....

7. She needs LAST YEAR'S calendar to check the date of the last "Shaved Legs Required" social event. (This may also point to the fact that said Girl needs to get a life, but that's a different blog entry entirely!)

Like I said, this is just some random girl you may see walking down the streets. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to pull these little Kleenex band-aids off and get to class.

I'm off....like a herd of turtles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! I rarely shave in the winter time. I mean, not NEVER, but certainly not with the regularity that I do in other seasons. Perhaps it's the ennui that comes with the cold....