
The One With All The Dates

Date Scenario #1:

Monday found me walking around the mall with my good girlfriend, Blondie, from church. While we're meandering through Macy's, Blondie's cell phone rings. I assume it's her Dr. Fiance making sure she's not spending his ENTIRE year's salary so I wander further away. All of a sudden I hear her giving out MY cell phone number. I rush over trying to get a sense for why she's giving out my number to her fiance but she's just hanging up when I get to her.

Cass: WTF, mate?
Blondie: That was Dr. Fiance. He needed your cell phone number b/c A Guy from Church wanted it.
Cass: Interesting!!

Fast forward about 35 minutes. My cell phone starts ringing and it's a number I don't recognize. Blondie checks my caller ID and tells me to go ahead and answer it.

Cass: Hello?
That Guy from Church: Hey, Cass? This is That Guy.
Cass: Hey. What's up?
That Guy: Not a whole lot but I just bought these two tickets for Cirque du Soleil on Thursday. I was hoping you'd be my date.
Cass: *stunned silence*
That Guy: Hello?
Cass: Yup, yeah, uhhhhh. Yeah, that would be great!
That Guy: Great! I'll pick you up at quarter to six so we can get some dinner before the show.
Cass: Okay! Sure! Yeah! See you then!
That Guy: Okay, bye.

Needless to say, Blondie made fun of the face I made after he asked me for about 45 minutes. She described it as "ecstatic horror"!

Date Scenario #2: This is the one that confuses me. I mean, it's not REALLY a date, right?

It's Sunday after church and The Crew is trying to figure out where we wanna go for lunch.

Cass: I'm not picky as long as it's cheap! I'm broke and I don't wanna borrow cash....again.
Blondie: Let's do Steak and Shake then. You can just order a Coke and we'll get fries for the table for you to nibble on.
Cass: Sounds good to me. I'll be in charge of organizing who's going in which car. Just let me know who all is going.

*Move to other side of room where Dr. Fiance is chattin' with some of the guys from The Crew*
**And this part of the convo is sort of made up....I wasn't really there to hear it but Blondie filled me in on the details later**

Dr. Fiance: So, Dr. #2 are you going with us to lunch?
Dr. #2: No. I feel like crap. I think it's a sinus infection.
Dr. Fiance: That's fine we're not really going anywhere fancy; just Steak and Shake on Main St. You could just stop by for a little bit if you want. Let Cass know if you wanna carpool.
Dr. #2: Cass is going? I guess I could bop in for a bit.

*Fast forward to lunch* Dr. #2 has seated himself across from me and is monopolizing all of my attention....not that I was complaining! He's REALLY cute.

Dr. #2: Cass, aren't you going to order lunch?
Cass: No, just a Coke and I'll munch on the fries for the table.
Dr. #2: That's ridiculous! Just order something. I've got it.
Cass: No, really. It's okay. I'm fine.
Dr. #2: Seriously, my treat! Get whatever you want.
Cass: Well, if you're sure. Fine.

Lunch is great and Dr. #2 and I spend the rest of the time getting to know one another. However...

Cass: Why aren't you eating??
Dr.#2: To be honest, I feel like crap. I have a horrible head cold and everything just takes like paper.
Cass: Awww! I hate that! If you feel so bad why don't you head out.
Dr. #2: No, that's alright. I'll leave when the group does.

Lunch and conversations continue. But poor Dr.#2 starts to look just awful! His eyes are watering and I can tell his sinuses are killing him. Finally, The Crew wraps up and we all head to the register.

Dr. #2 pays for his lunch and mine. I thank him profusely. He tells me it's not a problem and that he looks forward to seeing me on Thursday night for small group.

Later that evening on the phone, Blondie fills in the missing details about how Dr. #2 wasn't really going to show up until he heard that I was going to be there.

INTERESTING!!!! Could this be the quiet, underwhelming beginning to a parade?!?!?!?

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