
The One That's REALLY Just Plain Random

I was having a discussion with Special Man Friend over the phone that went something like this:

I have completely given up hope of EVER getting ANY homework done at your apartment.

It's not my fault, Miss Procrastination!

I didn't say it was. I'm just saying...I always have the best intentions and they never come to fruition

Who SAYS that?!

Says what?

Fruition?? Who SAYS that?!

You know you're getting The Look, right?

Yeah. You know what though?


You might not get any homework done, but we get REALLY good naps done!

Ha! So THAT'S what happened to my GPA last semester???


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah - I'm like that, too. When my husband was laid off and working from home (or when he's home on vacation), my schedule goes straight to hell and I get nothing done. How I managed grad school with this guy hanging around, I may never know....

Anonymous said...

Great work.